Welcome! Come share my tasty, lip-smacking recipes, that are crunchy-on-the-outside, chewy-on-the-inside, and without a single natural ingredient or essential vitamin to get in the way of the rich, fudgy taste. Enjoy!

DISCLAIMER: Some of the following recipes may actually be healthy.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Catch Phrase

I read quite a few blogs and I've noticed a common thread with all of the good ones, a short name. Not very many have a name longer than 3 or 4 words. Why? Because it's easier for people to remember. When I established this blog, my husband and I were sitting in our office throwing around name ideas. Nothing sounded appealing to me. Catchy. That's what I wanted. Something light-hearted, witty and most of all, easy to remember. I suggested the name of Calvin's cereal in the comic strip Calvin and Hobbes. These little pictures are my husband's very nearly favorite possessions. Over the years we've collected almost every book printed. We've braved quite a few road bumps of life with Calvin and his lovable tiger. I just got my husband the Complete edition for our 11th anniversary; it is that significant.

Back to the cereal. Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs; too long we decided. He threw out Brownie Points. Hmm, yeah I do like that. OK, let's register it. No dice. Already taken. I have to admit that I was very disappointed because this left us right back where I was, without a name. So, I searched for Brownie Points on Blogger just to see what I was up against. Not to bash anyone, I too have had previous blogs die before, but I wanted that domain. They only had 3 posts and the blog was 4 years old. I was majorly disgruntled. So, I decided to have the domain anyway with 365 added, hence my current address.

Having already searched around the blogosphere, I knew that Brownie Points was the name of a cooking blog already in use. So, to avoid any confusion in the future, I set aside my wishes and went back to the drawing board. A few unhappy days later I still had no name that really satisfied me. My husband asked, "What's to say you can't use that name too?" in an effort to cheer me up. Yeah, I guess so. I starting thinking and asked him what he thought about merging our two best ideas. Sounds good. So, I became Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs and other Brownie Points. For 5 months I've been looking at that almost every day. Yes, every day. Even when I don't post I snoop around for visitors. It's just too long. Maybe it's the stormy weather or maybe it's my hormones but I simply don't care anymore. I'm going to have Brownie Points, simply Brownie Points.

Long story short, I've shortened the name of my blog to Brownie Points. I'll probably never get the readership that the other one has so no worries. I'm going to keep my header for now because I like the reference to Calvin even if no one else gets it. This is still the same bat channel at the same bat time just with a different mask.

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